pregunta por Ken

The Ritual Of Business Card Exchange
The practice of introducing yourself by exchanging cards has a long history dating back to the European royal courts including "visiting cards" used exclusively by Aristocrats with very intricate rules on how these cards were to be exchanged.
Over time as printing evolved and became more affordable and accessible, business owners in London, England began producing and exchanging versions of what we would now consider business cards to leave with their customers.
Today, at least in the west, a smile and a handshake preclude the exchange of business cards and then, in most cases, we simply put that card in our pocket. If you've ever given your card to someone you were excited to meet only to see them tuck it away without a second glance, you know how much of a let down this can be.
Japanese Approach
We suggest you adopt a more Japanese like approach to the ritual of the business card exchange.
1. Introduce yourself with a handshake and a smile.
2. Hand over your card and accept your new friend's card with both hands.
3. Thank them for the card and repeat their name "Thank you Ms. Smith".
4. Read everything on the card to understand who this person is, what they do and where they are from.
5. Continue the conversation using the information you just read on their card.
This ritual is going to help you to keep the conversation going and more importantly to remember them by. Treat business cards given to you with great respect and show your genuine interest in developing a relationship with the person you just met.
Printing the very best business cards you can afford is very important as your cards convey your professionalism and provide a long lasting reminder of your first meeting.
No matter what you have in mind Clubcard Printing offers business card printing options for every style and every budget.
Don't forget to include these essentials on your business cards.
Full Name
Phone Number *Toll free if you have one!
Business Address
Logo and Tagline
Double sided cards allow you to include all of the essential information on one side with an ad or list of products and services on the reverse.
Horrible At Remembering Names?
When you follow the business card ritual outlined above you repeat the name of the person you just met as soon as they tell you, keep doing so throughout your conversation.
Here's a great article on remembering names from Forbes.
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