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Top 10 Most Popular Items of 2019 at Clubcard
Well now that 2019 is almost a wrap it’s the perfect time to look back and see what trended on the top ten list based on what our customers wanted the most through the year. Check this list and see if you’re on track with other marketers or have you set a trend of your own?
Staying at the #10 spot are presentation folders which many clients choose for small projects with our short run digital printing option on white, kraft or black stocks with one or 2 pockets. As one of the only print shops around that offers small quantity folder printing starting at 25 folders many clients find this fast and flexible option to be the perfect way to keep all of your documents in order. Maybe this is the reason we print these for clients all over North America!
Baking up fresh sales with sandwich boards slides in at the #9 spot with this age old and proven way to get eyes of pedestrians off their phones and onto your sign. We are never surprised to hear how many new clients are generated by A-frame signs.
The beauty is in the dynamic of interchangeable sign inserts that stay current with every sale and season. With 3 sizes available from cute mini to Uber XL, the rustproof, powder coated steel frames are designed with perfectly sized channels that allow smooth and quick sign changes. What will a sandwich board do for your business?
The #8 spot goes to custom printed t-shirts which we introduced as a way to allow clients to print their own graphic tees as gifts, for parties and events. While we print many t-shirts for all of these reasons, we’ve been very surprised at how many large t-shirt orders have gone out to companies looking to create a cohesive brand message for trade shows and everyday use for customer service crews. Try on our tees and show us what your fashion statement is.
Popping up the list to the #7 position, fine art printing combines archival papers and inks, Clubcard’s 25 years of design and print experience with the stunning artwork of our clients. Every fine art print we produce exposes us to the enormous artistic talents our clients wield. We are always excited to see what projects are rolling off the fine art printers. Keep our production crew buzzing with excitement waiting to see what you’ll have coming off the press!
Hanging in at the #6 spot, hang tag printing keeps us secure in the knowledge that there are so many talented creators out there making their own lines and destinies. From clothing to candles we see the rise of independent designers printing hang tags on stocks that compliment their products. Size up your own hang tags at Clubcard Printing on recycled, kraft, bamboo and cotton stocks with short run digital, cost effective offset and luxurious letterpress printing options to match your style and budget.
Postcards land in the middle of the list hitting the spot with beautiful artwork that communicates your message visually with the tactile reinforcement of an in-hand take away marketing piece. From in room gifts for hoteliers and AirBnB hosts to direct mail marketing and art galley cards postcards are one of the most versatile brand ambassadors in print.
Whether you’re designing with nostalgic or purely brand driven messages, postcards remain a vital marketing piece for every business. With all of the postcard printing options Clubcard offers, it’s easy to see why postcards are on the press for clients every day.
Popping up in the #4 spot on the list are banner stands. We’ve seen a huge demand for more and more of these mobile message mediums. From trade shows to show room floors, Clubcard offers an ever expanding selection of banner stands to meet your design and budget requirements.
With mini, table top and carry on size banner stands to dual sided and large back drop banners stands to choose from, we have the answer to keep your brand front and centre wherever you go.
Whoever said books are dead never met our clients! As the #3 most popular item in our shops, custom book printing runs the gamut of content from crazy comic books and zines, to fashion catalogues and annual reports.
With over 25 years of book printing experience and a major investment in new bookmaking technology we’re taking a big bet that books are big!
With a variety of custom sizes and finishing options available with small run amounts we are excited to see what stories we’ll help you put in print.
Sticking it out at #2 on the list is custom sticker printing. Duh! Stickers are not just an excellent way to increase your brand awareness they are loved by everyone. In a band? You need stickers! Started a new business? You need stickers! Branding cannabis products? You need stickers! Yes you need a sticker and you won't find a print shop that offers more sticker printing options than Clubcard. From simple one colour paper stickers to foil stamped, embossed and custom shape stickers, we do it all!
Everybody needs business cards - your phone and facebook just don’t cut it when you’re serious about your brand. Business cards have been in the number one spot since we opened our shop over 25 years ago. Over the last quarter century we've made it our mission to offer a variety of business card printing options from same day business cards to the ultimate luxury of letterpress printing. Clubcard prints business cards for any deadline and every budget.
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